Something Is Missing |
Did you notice the error in the above picture? If not, go back and read the verse written on the image. Do you see what is missing? There is one important word which should be there, but it is not. That word is "God." You might be asking "why in the world would you post such an image as this." Well, I did it to make a point.
Recently I had a coupon to make a framed canvas print at a very nice price. I had a very short time to get the order off or the coupon would expire. Not only this, my computer was a nightmare to work with because it was giving me a ton of trouble. However, I decided to go ahead and use the above picture and insert this bible verse on it and then send it off. I copied and pasted the Bible verse so that I would have no typos. After getting the image laid out as I wanted, I sent it off for processing. Upon receiving my print in the mail, I opened it excited with how it turned out. As I was enjoying the image and admiring how nice it would look on the wall that I noticed the error. Now I was so disappointed because in no way would I would want to hang this on our wall. It just would not be right.
So what is my point of posting such an image? When we remove God, things are just not right. We live in a society today where many are trying to do just that. For example the phrase "separation of church and state" is heard over and over again. They have removed prayer from our schools and wonder why our teens are so troubled. In society today, things which God calls evil, many call good, like sexual immorality. If someone wants to save themselves for marriage, people see them as being weird. We live on a world full of hate and nations seeking war. Many in their quest for more power are destroying the lives of many. We must remember the words of Jesus in John 10:10,
"the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." If we as a society remove God, all we have left is the devil. Many will think that life will be better without God, but that is a lie that leads to destruction. I would like to encourage all believers in Christ to call out to God that He sends forth a revival across our land so that the works of the devil are destroyed and many find eternal life in Christ. The choice is simple, " Jesus and life or the devil and death."
There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death. (Proverbs 14:12 NKJV)
Below is the image as it should be.
Isaiah 40:8 |