Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My New Year's Thoughts

Picture from www.Landscape-Photo.net (CC BY-NC-ND)

Well, 2012 in now in the history books and I hope all of you had a happy and safe New Year. I remember last year as being a year of fear for many people. I heard story after story of how the economy would crash along with others who believed the world would come to an end. Obviously, neither of these things happened. There was also the crowd who believed we are on the eve of destruction, so they are committed to prepping. While some prepped to be prepared just in case of emergency, others prepped out of fear of the crash which they believed is to come. I am sure prepping will continue to be trend of this year. Yes, there are many threats which could result in a major catastrophe in the near future, but will they happen or not is something we will have to wait and see. I have to wonder how many are prepared for the one thing which we know lies ahead. That is: "It is appointed for man to die once, and then comes judgment." (Hebrews 9:27) Then another area of fear for some is that man will destroy the environment through green house gases, weapons of mass destruction or by some other means. But the Bible says that God will destroy this world and then He will create a new heavens and a new earth. (2 Peter 3 and Revelation 21)

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I do not have to allow all the concerns of this world consume me in fear. Nothing can separate me from the love of God for I know one day I will live in His Heavenly kingdom. There is no need to fear an economic collapse as God owns all the resources any way and He can give them to whom He so chooses. God promises in His Word to "provide for all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19) Jesus said all we have to do is “seek the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things will be added to us." (Matthew 6:25-34) While Jesus warned with these words; “in this world we will have tribulation,” He also comforts us with His encouragement "to be of good cheer because He has overcome this world." (John 16:33)

Since making New Year’s resolutions is common this time of year, I guess I should talk a bit about that since I am rambling on with my thoughts. I usually do not go out and make New Year’s resolutions, but fear and worry is something which I have battled with. This year I desire to have growth and victory in this area through Jesus Christ. Second, I want to grow in my relationship with the Lord and in my relationship with my wife. Finally, I desire continuing serving the Lord in whatever way He leads me.

Enough rambling on, but I hope and pray each of you have a blessed 2013 in Christ Jesus.


  1. Ken, absolutely inspiring. Yes, I also struggle with fear and worry. It's an exhausting battle, isn't it? But I pray that God will empower both of us with a renewed sense of HIS strength, and a peaceful resolve to trust Him in ALL things.

    Happy New Year!


  2. Hi Ken. I pray you have a blessed and very happy 2013!


  3. Hi Ken,
    I love reading your ramblings! :)

    I love your New Year's resolutions, they sound like good goals to have. Lifting you up in prayer that you may accomplish this and much more.

    Be blessed in 2013.

  4. Hi Ken,

    I love what you wrote, "As a follower of Jesus Christ, I do not have to allow all the concerns of this world consume me in fear. Nothing can separate me from the love of God for I know one day I will live in His Heavenly kingdom." Amen my friend! Although I know I must always be alert and aware, my faith, trust, and love lead me away from fear. It's all about surrender, and being content in all things. :)

    Blessings and love dear one, for a joyful New Year filled with His love and amazing grace!


  5. Ken, thank you for sharing on your thoughts. I plan on making 2013 a greater year for me. In getting to know my Heavenly Daddy more intimately. Blessings.

  6. Sharon, you are so right, it is an exhausting battle. Not only that, it is costly. Happy New Years to you too and may God bless you in 2013.

  7. Thank you Chelle, and I pray likewise, that you have a happy and blessed 2013

  8. Thank you Child of God for your prayers, I sure do appreciate them. Likewise, I pray you have a happy and blessed 2013.

  9. Denise, oh yes, we must be alert and aware, we need God's Word and wisdom to direct our steps while we trust in Him. I pray that you have a happy and blessed 2013

  10. JBR, I pray that you have a happy and blessed 2013. I trust that God will guide and direct your path as you seek to draw closer to Him. I pray that you recieve His comfort and strength and have victory in the areas you struggle with.

  11. Hi Ken,
    what a lovely encouraging post you have written, and do you know what always comes into my mind when I hear the word 'fear'. 'The perfect LOVE of God casts out ALL fear.' We may not have that perfect love that God has yet, but His blood is upon our doorpost and protects us from things that would cause us to fear while we are learning to have that perfect kind of love within us.
    God bless you and keep you free from all fear as you trust in Him with all your heart.

  12. Thank you Brenda and I love what you said about "perfect love casts out all fear." Thank you for sharing and I pray you have a blessed 2013.

  13. Ken,

    An excellent post. You gave me many things to think about. Thank you for the reminder that our Lord care for His people even in the midst of tribulation.

    Praying that this year will be a victory for you over fear. May the Holy Spirit continually bring to your mind God's word which you have hidden in your heart.

    Happy New Year to you and your bride!

  14. Thank you Susan and I sure do appreciate your prayers. Likewise, Happy New Year's to you and your husband and God bless

  15. Hi Ken,
    Wow, I posted on my blog this morning, and then came here...It seems we are like minded about this new year. Whenever this happens, I always say God is trying to tell His children something! You are right, we must not worry if the Lord is our hope...I am looking forward to what this year will bring...Sure, there will be natural disasters, problems with health, finances etc...As there has always been, but I think God wants us to choose to be joyful, and that is what will draw more people to Him...His children walking around with smiles on our faces and laughter in our hearts.
    ~God bless~ Lisa

  16. perfect post to usher us into the new year. It is a very encouraging reminder to put our trust in the Lord. Our provider. With the Lord our souls are secure.

  17. Hi Lisa,
    It is interesting what you said about us walking around with joy on our faces and laughter in our hearts. When people know that we are Christians, they are watching us to see how we handle various things. When we stand strong during trials and our delight is in the Lord, people notice. When they go through something, it is us they come to because they see Christ working through us and in us. This opens the door for us to share the message of Jesus. I will be over shortly to read what you wrote on your blog. Thank you for sharing your comment and may the Lord bless you in 2013.

  18. Thank you Dee for your comment. Oh yes, what an awesome thing it is to know that our souls are secure in the Lord. I pray that you have a blessed 2013.


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