Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Trial May Be At Hand

This life can and does throw many hard and challenging trials our way. We lose loved ones, lose our jobs, serious illnesses to cope with and people who want to harm us. What a wonderful comfort, as a believer in Jesus Christ, to know God is with me. Right now I am looking at the possibility of going through another trying time. The economy is in bad shape and my current employment is on shaky ground. My employer is downsizing and people are being laid off.

I do not know what the future holds. Maybe I stay employed, maybe not. The good news, I do not have to worry because I know the one who holds the future in His hands. Yes, I am human and I do tend to worry. Even fear things at times. But what a comfort it is to know Jesus is with me. I know from Scripture, I have a future and a hope.

If I get laid off from my job, I will look to Him to carry me through. I will praise Him still because I know He holds me in the palm of His hand. I will trust He will work everything for good. The Lord will either take down a different path in life; or the Lord will keep me working where I am at. Whatever the case may be, I will rejoice because He is with me.

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