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do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the
Spirit" (Ephesians
5:18 NKJV)
While comparing the above verse with other translations, I found a couple interesting observations. First, the Holman Christian Standard Bible translates the phrase, "in which is dissipation" this way: "which leads to reckless actions." The New Living Translation reads, "Because it will ruin your life." Sunday in church, our pastor spoke concerning this verse, "You will be filled with something." As I meditate on this passage, I realize one may draw application even further than getting drunk, but anything which we pursue more than God. I think of people who spend their life pursuing wealth or career. They have no time for family or God. Their children grow up not knowing who they are. Their spouse may feel like their partner is married to their career, not him/her. For other people, it might be the pursuit of pleasure, which could include the party life among other things. Often times us believers may get caught up in the things of this world, and God gets choked out. The devil will use the things of this world to entice us, thus leading us away from the will of God. Scripture teaches us that the devil cannot snatch us out of God's hand, but he sure may wreak havoc in our lives or make us unproductive. This person also will not be growing in their faith as they ought.
7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them.
22 Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. (Matthew 13:7,22 NKJV)
Take this to the extreme, this person may fall away. I am sure we all know of someone who was faithful in the church for a long time, and then they are gone. Some may even reject God, saying they "no longer believe like they once did." I am not talking about someone who started attending elsewhere, but they have left the Lord. They got caught up in the cares of this world, and drifted away. There has been a debate in Christendom for hundreds of years as to "once saved, always saved" and those who believe one can "lose their salvation." Others say, "you cannot lose your salvation, but you may choose to walk away from it." Some may call them backslidden Christians. Some will say this person "was never saved, thus there is no salvation to lose." Others will argue to the contrary. I am not going to get all caught up in this debate here. Unfortunately, people who love the Lord and are way smarter than I have argued their views for centuries. This being said, I am sure we all can agree that this is not a good place to be. How is it that this person can have assurance of their salvation? Of course we also have many in the church who have saved souls, but wasted lives. They are unfruitful in what they do for the Lord. Be it unfruitful or unsaved, this is not a wise path to take.
to be carnally minded is death,
to be spiritually minded is life and peace."
8:6 NKJV)
Our salvation is based upon Jesus and what He did, not on us and what we do. No amount of good works, religious rituals, or anything else can cause one to be saved. Nor will any of these things cause us to keep our salvation. Jesus went to the cross and died a brutal death so that you and I might spend eternity with Him. All you or I may do is turn from our evil ways seeking to follow Him and get down on our knees and cry out to God, "Have mercy on me, a sinner." He will then save us, not because of what we do, but because He is good. Jesus came to save sinners. Then God will give us a new heart, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus. I heard one pastor say, "We are a new species." We should be so thankful and appreciative of what Jesus did for us, we should want nothing more that to get to know Him and love Him more each and every day. Jesus said, He who loves me, Him and the Father will make their home with them. We know that we are His forever because we continue abiding in Him. What I do not understand is, why anyone would would even want to leave, those who are truly His.
21 He who
has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me
will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
23 Jesus
answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My
word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home
with him. 24 He who
does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not
Mine but the Father’s who sent Me. (John
14:21,23-24 NKJV)
Let me say it again, "God makes His home with those who love Him." How cool is that? Let that one sink in.
The question we must ask of ourselves, are we going to be filled with the Spirit, that is to be lead by Him or something else?
This is very good Ken; how careful we must be to not overindulge in anything that stands in the way of our Father! I remember explaining this to my daughters as they were growing up when something of great value to them was taken away; God doesn't like anything put before Him.
ReplyDeleteFor sure, we can't be caught up in this world and be carried away!!
Blessings and lots of love my friend; enjoy the rest of your week,
Denise, thinking of something of great value to me which was taken away, it is nothing in comparison to the value we have in our salvation. To allow something of this world diminish it sure would be foolish. The things of this world can easily ensnare us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Blessings and love to you also, my friend
DeleteThis is good Ken.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to understand how, once tasting of the goodness of Christ, a person can just walk away and say... Nah, never mind, I don't want that kind of love and peace in my life anymore...I'd rather get drunk and dirty, I'd rather feel used and abused, and sick and worried.
That is CRAZY!
I am reminded of the scripture about the woman who had an unclean spirit, so she swept her house and made room for seven unclean spirits...You are right, if we were to empty out every good thing in our lives...there would come something bad to fill us up instead!
When Jesus comes into our lives, there is no room for more because He is all, and in all; His presence fills every area of our lives!
~God bless~
Lisa, Yes it is Crazy!How terrible it would be to have the keys of the kingdom in hand, and then throw them away. It would have been better for them if they had never known than to have known and then turn back from it. May we all be filled with what is good. That is the Spirit of God. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and have a blessed week
DeleteThis really could be a message presented on a Sunday morning in church. It was very powerful. I really found your thought that "we will be filled with something" to be very true. We were created with a God-sized hole in our hearts - and if we don't fill it up with God, the enemy is ready with a bunch of other stuff to take HIS place. We ought to be very careful where our hearts are.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, our salvation is because of the work of Jesus alone - and we cannot add to or take away from what He accomplished for us. But, I do believe we must take our salvation very seriously, and always allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and guide us. I want my faith to be fruitful. And that is Spirit-filled work in my life.
Sharon, Yes, we must all take our salvation very seriously. We must never fall into the trap of thinking what ever we do, it is o.k. because God's grace will cover us. Paul was quite clear on this in Romans 6. Sometimes even things are not considered to be sin, such as a hobby, could end up choking out the Word of God in our lives. How much more would unrepentant sin do likewise? Thank you for sharing your thoughts and have a blessed week
DeleteHi Ken,
ReplyDeleteI too can not imagine why anyone would want to leave, and walk away from Jesus. It would be like walking to the left or to the right while walking in a shaft of light. Once we have experienced His love there is no other that can match it. Thank you for your encouraging post.
God bless you.
Brenda, You are so right, there is no match for His love. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and have a blessed week.
DeleteWe are to put Jesus first place in our heart ♥ I enjoy your insight and appreciate you taking time to share God's word.
ReplyDeleteDee, Thank you and I appreciate you faithfully visiting my blog and leaving your comments. Have a blessed rest of the week
DeleteThat is cool!! God making His home with those who love Him. :)
ReplyDeleteAnything that chokes out God is no good at all. Drinking wine dulls the senses and causes one to be sullen or very relaxed. One's mind drifts towards sleeping and we have many Scriptures verses on how wrong it is to sleep too much. Proverbs 20:13 Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare.
Too much food can choke out God. Too much of anything is no good at all. If God is not first and foremost on our minds we will wander away from Him just like the Israelites did.
God is Creator and because of who He is, He needs to be worshiped, but I think there is more to 'God first' then we know. Since God is love and He loves us, I believe it might have something to do with with His love for us and since He knows that if we don't keep Him first in our lives He will be choked out. Being a loving, caring Father, He put keeping Him first in the commandments because he knows our sinful nature will get the best of us if we do not have Him as the majority of our everything.
God is love and I love Him so much!! Thanks for this thought provoking post Ken. I sure would just love to sit and chat with you and your wife over coffee. In heaven we will do so, if there is coffee. :)
Blessings brother,
child of God, As I was reading your comment this verse came to mind: "Jesus said to Him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment." (Matthew 22:37-38) I think we do not realize how important this is. It is in my prayers that my love for Him grows daily. Not only my love, but for others in my life.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, there will be coffee in heaven! :) We will be there one day and have that cup of coffee.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and have a blessed rest of the week
How amazing that Eternal God chooses to make Himself at home in the hearts of people! How much better to be intoxicated with His loving presence than with alcohol that destroys.
ReplyDeleteKaren, Amen to that! Thank you for sharing and have a blessed weekend
DeleteI cannot wait until Heaven where there will be no obstacles in our way. Only to be in the Presence of the Lord continually! Thanks Ken for sharing. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteJBR, I hear you, I cannot weight either. Thank you for visiting and leaving your thoughts and may God bless you